new moon

Yay, I just finished the book New Moon! And I'm so happy, 'cause it means that I can start reading Eclipse ( in Swedish ). And when I've read Eclipse I'll read Breaking Dawn ( and I'll read that too in Swedish ).

Today we got cheerleading practises, and they went really good actually! And hey, I made a new record, 300 situps :D I was pretty happy about it but next time I'll beat it, shall we say that I should do 350 or 400? Well, at least more than 300.

Oh My God, tomorrow's Friday 13th! Hope that I'll survive tomorrow without any problems, 'cause I usually collect pretty much problems and other bad stuff when it's Friday 13th. But now I'm tired and I'll go asleep, Goodnight!

                                                                                                   xoxo, emsie



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