Dior spring '09

Dior spring 'O9
                                                                                                        xoxo, emsie

The thirteenth

This day is usually full of luck and unluck. I've bought a lot of new basic clothes today, and I have fell and watched the blood run down my knee. I have borrowed a guitar so that I can practise playing for the test we have in two weeks. I have been to Vasa Arena and watched a sport, that I would call the biggest thing of culture we have got in Finland. It's not music, it's not art, it's not movies or theatre. IT'S ICE-HOCKEY! Forget about high education and schoolshootings. This is the land of ice-hockey.

By the way
Dolce got 'em shoes

I like!

donna karan new york

DKNY SPRING -09, love it
                                                                                   xoxo, emsie


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