18 Karat Gold

Well well! This is my and Emma's brandnew project. This blog, EXPRESSO, is ours in common. Everything will be in English, this is an international blog and we'll write about everything that's on our minds. This means that you'll be able to follow cheerleadingstuff, what's new in the musicworld, fashion and streetstyle, hot and not and so on. I really hope you guys will enjoy this, at least I think that this is really fun!

Let's introduce myself!  My name is Janie and I live in a small town called Vasa, it's in Finland. My own blog is called www.yae.blogg.se, but it's on Swedish, so you've gotta understand my mother tongue to read it. I am in what they in America call Senior High, here in Finland it's gymnasium. This summer I'm turning 17, wohoo! I like!  I am a cheerleader and I have a lot of friends.

Love is the most beautiful and terrible thing on this earth
. I hate love. I love love. You see? I write my own music and I love reading. I love to draw and I looooove writing. I'd like to become a journalist, but out there there is plenty of them. Maybe I should become a bookwriter instead? I don't know what I want to do, but that's not todays problem. After finishing gymnasium in 2011 I am planning to move down to Stockholm, Sweden with some of my best friends, Lill & Kitty & Fanny.

I would not survive without music, my very favourites is The Kooks, The Script, Tokio Hotel and Lars Winnerbäck. Flo Rida and Lady Gaga makes excellent partymusic, party is fun as long as it isn't life. I have a "normal" family; a dad, mum, dog and a brother. He's just one year younger than me so we usually spend the days fighting.

I am speaking English, Swedish, Finnish and a bit German as well! I am really into languages, I love communication and sociability. Friends is something of the most beautiful life can give you, right? :) If there is something you wonder, just ask, I'll be glad to answer anything you come up with! And remember to ask in English 'cause we've gone international.



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